Thursday, 11 October 2012

‘Up the Bracket’; ten years on…

   This week marks the tenth anniversary of ‘Up the Bracket’ and it clearly couldn't be hyped up any more. My twitter feed seems to have been filled up with ‘NME’ constantly screaming THE LIBERTINES!! down my ear, but in my opinion it’s not a bad thing.
   So this album is something I never got to really experience as a kid, I was really just too young, still being naïve singing ‘Boyzone’ tracks whilst running round the house. But I think it’s near impossible to not know the names of Pete Doherty and Carl Barat these days, maybe for the wrong reasons and that’s why we have appreciation days like this (not forgetting it is actually a sublime album). ‘Up the Bracket’ is now a staple of British guitar music. It highlights what we miss in the music industry; some clunky, gritty guitar music that we all enjoy with 2000 sweaty people in a just as sweaty room.
   The Libertines are labelled as one of them floor-filling, shoulder-bashing, deafening bands that leave you with an annoying ring in your ear the next morning and in most cases, a bad hangover. One of the first memories I have of hearing The Libertines was at a gig a few years back, I remember the floor erupting as the DJ built up the crowd before the headline band came on. All I got was fully grown men’s sweaty armpits pushed up against the back of my head, and me thinking, ‘WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON? THIS ISN'T EVEN THEM’; but I grabbed my mates arm, them equally as confused as me, and both just danced and moved to the music so we didn't suffocate. With that and the mighty XFM playing them here and there I got to know them quite well and now they are one of my favourite bands, quite respectably in this case.
   In the terms of status, I don’t think ‘Up the Bracket’ quite has the same credibility as Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’, and any of The Beatles albums in that retrospect, but I think it’s half on its way (maybe a quarter). It lives up to any people’s reviews, and any word-of-mouth, with grave satisfaction. In my view it can’t be beaten, its one of them albums that constantly gets played and will be one of them records I pass onto my kids.
   Now, the news we’re all waiting to hear is, ‘The Libertines are back’. There have been hints; there have been rumours but no certain word has emerged. The only thing us fans have to linger on is the stunning one-off slot they did at Reading and Leeds a few years back.
It’s depressing, but things look hopeful. I've seen words of Pete and Carl writing new material and both of them saying that a reunion is not off the cards, so a boy can hope ey. I’m just waiting to see them on the top of that big yellow poster come summer (please be Leeds and not Glastonbury). Vaguely


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